Everything From Rolled Hems to Toothpicks!

I sure have been missing the lake this week. I guess all the wonderful memories of Buddy reminded me how much I loved living at the lake. I don't miss it much during the winter months, but when spring is here, I long to be back there, riding on the pontoon boat and enjoying all the activities that come with living on the water! Maybe one day I will retire to the beach, that is my dream retirement!

This has been a week of reflection and I really have not done very much other than reflect. LOL  I did get around to making a table runner for my daughter and hemmed it using  the rolled hem stitch on my serger.  It turned out great!  It was the first time I used it on this serger and I was amazed at how easy it was to do.  I will be using it a lot more often!

My niece is learning how to sew, and she is doing a great job!  She recently made some curtains for her home and some throw pillows( without any patterns I might add!).  She sent me photos and I am very proud of her.  She has never sewn before ( well except for altering my sister's old prom dress that she wore for Halloween  you can see it here).  I offered to have her come up so I could help her but she said "it is all strait seams Aunt Glo, I think I can do it", and she did do it and very well.  I have to say that I did get a little tickled tho, I told her about getting needles for the sewing machine she borrowed and a few other little tidbits, but didn't even think to tell her to get strait pins, she was sewing burlap and used toothpicks instead. ( she lives in a log house and it is very rustic so the burlap looks great!)  What a Genius!  Love you Brandy and I am so proud of you!

I am on spring break this week and I hope to get a lot done!  Friday I get to go with my daughter- in- law and see the 3D or 4D( not real sure which one it is) ultra sound of baby Harper.  I have never had that opportunity before, always just saw the photos ( ultra sounds have come a long way since I was expecting!).  I am so excited!  Hope you all have a wonderful week.  And oh by the way...Happy April!

Happy Sewing!


Apryl said…
Hi there! Found you on the 99% exposure weekday blog hop! I love to sew so I look forward to following you!
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Apryl, thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful week!

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