Happy New Year From Glo Sews!

Midnight is approaching and as I ready myself for a brand new year, I can't help but reflect on the year that is quickly coming to an end!  It has been a wonderful year here at Glo Sews.  I have learned so much over the past six months and made so many wonderful blogging friends!  Thanks to all of you that have made me so happy by your many comments and by reaching out to me in friendship!  I know that 2012 will be even better!

I have several favorite posts this year, I guess one of my very favorite would be the very first one that started it all off.  Sewing Again explained a lot about me and where I have been and where I hope to go!  Shirred Dresses covered a technique I yearned to try years ago but could never find the time.  Oh, how much fun that was, it was a long time dream just to try it and I really fell in love with the technique and the dresses I made!  Fit For A Princess was another fun project.  I made a princess dress from the left over tulle I used for decoration at a bridal shower I hosted.  It was so much fun to make and I think my Grand-Niece really loved it!  Free Quilt from Quilt for Kids  was another favorite, not only was it the open door that introduced me to quilting, something I had never done and found I really enjoyed, but it also allowed me to discover the wonderful feeling of creating a special project just for a charity, and a charity that I feel a very close connection with.  Also in that post I spoke of an organization close to my heart...American Sewing Guild.  These are just some of my favorites and I know next year is going to be bigger and better.

I have just a few resolutions for the new year...

1.  I am going to make more projects for charity.  Along with Quilts for Kids, I would also like to donate to Dresses for Africa.  You can learn more about both of these charities by going to Little Dresses for Africa and Quilts for Kids.

2.  I am going to try to be more gracious when someone thanks me for a handmade gift and just say you are welcome instead of pointing out all of the mistakes I have made!

3.  I am going to make at least a few projects with fabric I have before heading out for another fabric shopping spree!

4.  I am going to sew strictly for enjoyment, no stressful ...gotta get this done.. sewing this year!

5. And last but not least, I am going to really work on controlling my diabetes.  I usually do pretty well with it, but I have really let it slide since Thanksgiving ( well possibly Halloween!)

I wish every single one of you the Happiest New Year Ever, and may many blessings come your way!

Happy Sewing!


Nani said…
Happy New Year, Glo!

The toughest resolution you listed is #2! (Maybe #3) :)
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Nani! I agree that #2 will be the hardest one to keep, that is always my first reaction, I guess I want them to know that I am aware the mistake is there if they should notice it! LOL

Hope you New Year is full of blessings!
Unknown said…
Good luck with your resolutions!! Happy New Year! =)
Gloria Haynes said…
Thanks you Camille and Happy New Year to you!!
Carrie said…
Hey Mom Happy new year! I do the same thing about the hand made gifts,lol,It makes me nervouse for some reason I feel like Im just going to go ahead and get it over with,lol.I love your blog,wish I had your gift,I love you
Kathy said…
Happy New Year! I wanted to let you know that I got the message that I'd been tagged by you. Thanks for the thoughtfulness.

I'm currently running a little behind with blogging, but will try to get a post up about it sometime in the near future. Forgive me, we got a new grandchild two days after Christmas...it's been busy here!
Gloria Haynes said…
Happy New Year Carrie! Love you!
Gloria Haynes said…
Happy New Year Kathy and congratulations on that new Grandbaby! What an exciting way to start off the new year!
punkychewster said…
Ok Nana Glo, I've complete your tagged task! Here it is!


Enjoy reading!
Gloria Haynes said…
Thanks for letting me know Punky! I read it and loved all your answers! Thanks for participating! I know it was a time consuming task!

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