Happy New Year From Glo Sews!

Midnight is approaching and as I ready myself for a brand new year, I can't help but reflect on the year that is quickly coming to an end! It has been a wonderful year here at Glo Sews. I have learned so much over the past six months and made so many wonderful blogging friends! Thanks to all of you that have made me so happy by your many comments and by reaching out to me in friendship! I know that 2012 will be even better! I have several favorite posts this year, I guess one of my very favorite would be the very first one that started it all off. Sewing Again explained a lot about me and where I have been and where I hope to go! Shirred Dresses covered a technique I yearned to try years ago but could never find the time. Oh, how much fun that was, it was a long time dream just to try it and I really fell in love with the technique and the dresses I made! Fit For A Princess was another fun project. I made a...