Baby Shower Fun
Have you ever had one of those days when you just wanted to kick yourself? Well I had one of those last weekend! I had made a darling Tennessee Vol set encluding a dress made of Tennesse Vol fabric, an orange and white Korker ribbon elastic headband, and a Tennessee Vols plush blanket for my grand-daughter's baby shower and forgot to take a picture of it before I wrapped it. I was so angry with myself, but I decided I could just take a picture when she opened it. Well, what is the saying about best laid plans? I didn't want to just take a photo of my gift so I was busy taking all kinds of photos and before she was able to open my gift my camera's battery died. So..there you have it, really wanted to kick myself in the butt! The shower was awesome tho and I did get some great photos. She received so many beautiful and useful things and she and her husband, plus the two grands and the one Great, were very happy and exci...