Getting The Most From Your Multisize Patterns

Buying a multisize pattern is a great way to make your sewing dollars go further, but not if you have to trim it away just to make one size. I have found that tracing the pattern onto either wax paper or freezer paper can give you great results without ruining you paper pattern, thus allowing you to use it again for a different size.

I prefer using wax paper because it is easy to see through.  To do this you will need:
1.  a roll of wax paper
2.  tracing wheel
3.  permanent marker or ink pen( I prefer an ink pen as a marker sometimes smudges)
4.  multisize pattern of your choice.
5.  zip lock bag

I am tracing a Kwik Sew pattern for a baby.  I love Kwik Sew patterns, they use such a great grade of paper for their patterns.  This pattern is extra easy because all the pieces fit within the width of the wax paper, but if yours do not you can simply tape as many pieces together as you find necessary.

After determining which size you are going to use, place a piece of wax paper on top and secure with pins.  Take the tracing wheel and go along all the lines of the pattern piece.  Write all the info on the wax paper piece (size, pattern type, brand and number, strait of grain, small dots, large dots, front, back, gather lines,and any other info you might need).  Now simply trim the wax paper piece ( be sure to use your paper only scissors when trimming the wax paper pattern piece).  You can trace around and cut out the notches if you like, but I usually just cut them off because I mark them by making a slash inward toward the inside point on my pattern pieces as I cut out the fabric.

You could also just trace the lines using a marker and cut along the lines, but I find the tracing wheel works best for me.  After I trace each piece I mark the original pattern piece with a check mark and write the size I am tracing inside the check mark, this helps me double check that all the pieces have been traced for the size I am tracing.   Keep repeating the process until all of your pieces have been traced and cut out.

I like to keep the pattern pieces I have made in a large size zip lock bag. I make a copy of the front of the pattern and a copy of the back of the pattern and sandwich my wax paper pieces between them and slide into the bag. I make sure to write the size on the front copy.

Hope you find this works for you and enables you to use your multisize patterns multable times! (You could press your wax paper pieces onto freezer paper if you plan on using them several times, this will make them a little more stable).

Well I am all ready to start sewing! Sure hope little Harper likes this dress when she finally arrives and is able to wear it!

Happy Sewing!


Unknown said…
Great post- loved how short and simple it was. Somtimes I get lost or bored and stop reading, so thank you for that!

Two quick questions:

First I noticed that you used a tracing wheel with notches. I've seen both smooth and notched tracing wheels. Since Kwik Sew patterns are made from a sturdy paper I wouldn't worry about damaging the original pattern, but what about on tissue paper patterns? Do you worry about puncturing them?

Second, do you mark the lines of the actual pattern or do you just trace them and cut it out? I imagine this will be really great for adult patterns where your a different size on top and bottom, so I was wondering if marking the line with pen on the freezer paper would be beneficial??
Thanks, Sarah
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Sarah, You could use a tracing wheel that is smooth, I have always used the notched wheel, it will leave small holes in your pattern, but I have never found that to be a problem. That is one reason I prefer the wax paper, you can place it on top of your original pattern and see the lines easily, plus the tiny holes are made in the wax paper and not so much in the original pattern.

I do not mark the line on my pattern, but you could if you needed them to be darker so they are more easily seen.

Thank you so much for stopping by and for the questions. Hope I covered everything, if you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Have a wonderful day.
Unknown said…
What a wonderful gift you have! I've always wanted to learn to make clothes! Thank you for following my blog, I am now enjoying following yours too! :)
Gloria Haynes said…
Thank you Cassidy! Thanks for the follow too! Have a great day.

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