I Love Awards!!

I want to thank Nani, Chronicles of Nani, for honoring me with two awards this week.  Nani has a wonderful blog, she always has something going on and I try to read it everyday.  Her happiness and positive outlook on life come together to create a blog that is a wonderful read,  no matter what the topic!  Please pay her a visit, you will be delighted.

This has been an emotional and busy week for me and I am trying my best to be productive this weekend.  I swear that my dirty laundry must be piled as high as my nose, and the dust is taking over my house for sure, also I still haven't finished the travel bag from the sew along I am participating in (should have been finished Valentine's Day...oops) and I am anxious to get started on a jewelry roll for my daughter and also to start sewing for that new baby granddaughter headed our way! 

My husband had to have a surgery to remove a skin cancer on Thursday.  He felt pretty bad on Friday, but I am happy to report he is feeling much better today.  Hopefully the nasty thing is gone for good and no others will make an appearance!

Although I am busy out the wazoo, I am never too busy to accept awards!  lol

The first award is:

The One Lovely Blog Award  rules are:

1. Link back to the one who gave you this award.

2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.

3. Follow the person who sent it to you.

The second award is:

Kreative Blogger Award Rules:

1. Link back to the one who gave you this award
2. Share 10 random facts about yourself

3. Pass the award on to 6 other people

4. Follow the person’s blog who sent you it

Ten random things about Me:

1.  I love a good thundershower, not a severe thunderstorm, but a good soaking rain with just a tad bit of thunder on a hot summer day really does a great job to relax me.

2.  I have always been a night person, when my children were small that was the time of day (or night) that was "me time".  Now I get up at 4:30 A.M. on work days and find it hard to stay up late even if I am off from work.  I miss those late night sewing fest!

3.  When I was a young mom I thought 50 was ancient, but now that I am 59... I find it is still a very young and productive age...I hope I still feel that way when I am 79!

4.  I have 2 daughters and 3 sons.  It still amazes me everyday how different their personalities are.  How can children raised by the same Mom be so different?  They are all wonderful though, with their own unique beliefs and opinions and I love them all beyond the limits of the universe.

5.  I lost my father when he was 44 years old, I was 19.   I still try to please him in all that I do.  I like to believe he knows that.

6.  When I was a teenager, I had strong opinions about everything, and I made sure everyone knew them!  I still have those strong opinions, but I now do a better job of keeping those to myself! ( well, most of the time!)

7.  I love music!  All kinds of music.  One day I may be into the latest hip hop and the next day may be spent listening to classic country.  If it moves me, I don't care what kind of label it has connected to it.  If the lyrics hit a nerve or the music makes me move, it is my kind of song.  ( this drives my kids crazy!)

8.  I have been know to write a few poems.  Maybe one day I will publish some of them.

9.  I wish I was closer to my extended family.  I have so many wonderful cousins and I wish we had the opportunity to visit more often then we do.  Most of the time we see each other at funerals,  it is always nice to see them, but I would love to have a time just for a fun visit.  I used to have a family reunion every year when my children were young, maybe I will consider having those again.

10.  I look forward to retirement, oh!... how I look forward to retirement!  LOL

Thanks for the Awards Nani!

Happy sewing!


WOW! I love this season of awards and say-10things-about-yourself thingy.It really helps knowing about our fellow bloggers better :)

Love your blog.You sew? And you are exactly my grandma's age ...all gracefully gorgeous you are!! I can feel that through your writing!! :)

Your new follower :)
Gloria Haynes said…
Thanks for the lovely comment Jen! Thanks for the follow.

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