Best Laid Plans

I had so many great plans for today.  I had planned on a day of sewing and creating but it seems other things were in store for me.  I woke up this morning with a terrible cold.  I have  done very little except lie around the house feeling pretty sorry for myself!  I hate colds and with this one my left eye and left nostril are constantly pouring hot water!  Miserable is the only word to describe it.  Guess it could be worse, it could be the flu, but I have had my flu shot( have one every year) sure wish they would come up with a cold shot, I would be one of the first in line!  The  fear of "dripping" on my fabric has forced me to put my sewing on hold, plus my patience tends to run short when I feel bad!  I guess I will just post a couple of things going on and some neat things I have found while surfing the net.

My 13 year old grand-daughter has recently changed schools and her new school doesn't have a dress code, the school she left had a strictly enforced dress code so she wasn't able to wear "creative" clothing.  I recently ordered the BurdaStyle Sewing Handbook and it has some really cute things that I think Anna will really like.
I love Burda, I think they have great fashions for teenagers.  I Can't wait to get this book.

How cute are these Pennie Pockets, I found them along with the complete directions on Moda Bake Shop.  

I think these would make a great gift for my children and grandchildren. Make them and fill them with special treats, what a great idea.

Another cute project I found was Heart shaped zippered pouches.  You can find this project plus 20 other great Valentine projects on the All Free Sewing website.  This website also has a free ebook download that has 7 easy Valentine sewing Projects  complete with instructions.  It is really a great website for the beginner or experienced seamstress searching for easy and quick sewing projects!   
 If you do not already have a few Valentine ideas, check out the mentioned websites, you just might find something you like!

Going to go now and either feed my cold or starve my cold, can't remember exactly how that ole saying goes.  Hope you all have a great weekend, with no colds!

Happy Sewing!

Moda Bake Shop

All Free Sewing



Carrie said…
I love the Ideals and I sure hope you feel better soon ,love you
Gloria Haynes said…
Thanks Carrie, love you too! Happy Birthday

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