
Showing posts from November, 2017

Tribute to Nancy Zieman

I can't even imagine where I would be without all the help I have received from Nancy.  No matter what the problem, I could always find helpful information about how to rectify it.  Be it through her blog, her books or the many videos, she always offered new and exciting information along with helpful tips for all kinds of sewing problems. I started watching Sewing With Nancy in the early 1980's.  I never missed a Saturday morning  (my children did not appreciate the fact they were missing some of their beloved cartoons).With coffee and pencil and paper in hand, I was in do- not- disturb mode for thirty wonderful minutes!    The information she could cover in that short amount of time was amazing and I quickly found myself living for each new episode. I am still a fan and pray they do not replace her show, but continue to show reruns for a very long time.  She was by far the best. All the present and future beginner sewist are going to miss out ...