Meet Me On Monday...12-11-11

Yep it's that time again, time for Meet Me On Monday.  If you would like to join us just hop on over to the Meet Me On Monday post on the Never Growing Old blog.

We hook up each Monday and answer five questions.  It is a lot of fun and everyone gets to know each other just a little bit better.  If you are a blogger you should check it out! Just click the link below.

This week's five questions are:

1.  Tomorrow I'm going to _________?
2.  Pudding or Jello?
3.  What book are you currently reading? 
4.  What is the first concert you went to see?
5.  What is your current weather?

Here are my answers:

1.  Tomorrow I am going to get up and go to work and come home and check the day off on my calendar. Friday is my last day of work before my vacation begins so when tomorrow is over I will be one day closer to Christmas Vacation!  YAY

2.  I prefer sugar free jello.  A little jello with low cal coolwhip and I am good to go.  I think it is very refreshing and not too sweet, but add a sugar cookie and wow, it is unbeatable!

3.  I am trying to read "Medicus, A Novel of the Roman Empire" by Ruth Downie, but I have so much to do to get ready for the Christmas holidays that it is very slow going, it is a pretty good book and I hope to soon have more time to read it!

4. Oh My goodness, I really have to exercise my brain to remember my first concert!   Wow this is really going to age me!  When I was a teenager the local radio station put on what was called  WFLI Spectacular of Stars!  The first one I went to had Roy Orbison and  Billy Joe Royal ( among others!)  I screamed my lungs out for Billy Joe Royal!!  Man that was ages and ages ago!

5.  The current weather here is cool, not really bone chilling cold, and a warm up is in the forecast.  Some rain tomorrow and then pretty until Thursday.  Normal weather for this time of year around here.  Still hoping for a white Christmas, but since we had one last year, I don't expect that we will have one.  Only happens about every 20 or 30 years around here!  LOL

Well that it is for this week's edition of Meet Me On Monday.  Hope you all have a great Monday, and I plan to see you again next week!

Happy Monday!

Happy Sewing!


WOW! That book sounds fascinating! Nice to see another history freak. ;)
Karen said…
I am intrigued that you went to see Roy Orbison. I'll bet that was an awesome concert.
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Rebecca, the book is good, wish I had more time to read it!

Hey Karen the Roy Orbison concert was awesome, he was such a great song writer, but at that time I was much more interested in Billy Joe Royal's good looks! LOL KIds!

Hope you guys have a great Monday!

Susan said…
Hi Glo. I'm new to Meet Me On Monday and I'm thoroughly enjoying getting to meet you and the others.

I can't imagine Christmas without snow - every 20 to 30 years - WOW! I'm from Canada and waking up on Christmas morning and looking out at the blanket of snow is one of my highlights of the day.

Have a wonderful Monday!
Jo-anne Blossy said…
That looks like an interesting novel. I may just have to look for that in my travels.
have a good week!
Simonette said…
Hi! I envy your weather! :) Hope you have a great week ahead!
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Susan, you are right Christmas without snow is disappointing. We hope for one every year, but we usually do not have any :/

Hey Blossy, the novel is pretty good, will be glad when I have more time to devote to it!

Simonette, right now it is pretty cool this morning, but a warm up is heading our way. We usually have a rather mild winter, put usually have a lot of rain.

Thanks guys for stopping by, have a great Monday and wonderful week!
Vicky said…
Hi Glo, linking up from Meet Me on Monday :) I live in Australia so it is summer at the moment but a few years ago I lived in England and had a white Christmas. It was magical. I can uderstand why you want one every year! It was nice to meet you, Have a great week :)
Gloria Haynes said…
hey Vicky! I hope to visit Australia one day. I have wanted to visit there for as long as I can remember!

A white Christmas is very special. You are right, it is magical!

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you next week!
Gloria Haynes said…
Hey Hilary, I will check out your hop next Friday. Thanks for the invitation!

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